Saturday, May 07, 2022

What I'm watching

 Lately we've been watching a lot of Korean tv series on Netflix. Every night we have tea and watch an episode together.

Really loved All of Us are Dead, which I think I've said before. LOVED it.

After that, we watched Sweet Home, which was also very good. An apocalypse in which some humans turn into monsters of their own desires. The monsters reminded me a bit of Harryhausen's style. 

Next up was Extracurricular, which was about a high-school boy secretly pimping. Not as much fun, but engaging.

I really really loved The Uncanny Counter, which featured a group of reapers dealing with evil spirits possessing people and supposedly keeping out of human affairs, but ending up needing to fight that battle too. The main characters and their interactions were just adorable, the way they teased each other and supported each other, and the series was a whole lot of fun. 

Then we started watching Alice, but it was a real struggle. Park Jin-gyeom's mother is killed mysteriously, but as an adult, he is confused when he meets someone identical to her. It's time-travel, and it's convoluted. There's a lot of emoting with background music, and a lot of not actually talking honestly to each other. It seems a bit of a theme in these series that characters stay silent instead of being open when actually it would be incredibly helpful. There was a disturbing romantic undercurrent between the two and a rivalry between his wannabe-girlfriend & his probable-mother. Park is supposed to suffer from alexithymia, which I guess might explain some of the strange dynamics, but it was just a bit boggling and it seemed like he was on his way to being his own father. I don't know if that was the outcome, as this was a series we decided to abandon. I'd basically given up four episodes ago and started faffing on my laptop, which means I was no longer reading the subtitles so had lost the plot, while T was more persistent. But, eh, it was just a bit much, that whole dynamic, so we  were relieved to agree to call it a day. 

Now we're onto The Guest, which is about evil spirits possessing people again, and we're really enjoying it so far. I love the arse-kicking female detective and the shaman particularly. I've also enjoyed seeing some of the Korean countryside as most of what we've watched has been set in cities, but this one has spent some time in the rural village our protagonist grew up in too. 

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