Sunday, May 29, 2022

Rate my day

 I find the YouGov ratings thing quite bizarre.

How can you say you dislike or like a whole country? It's surely lazy and based on negative news or stereotypes to do so, unless you've spent considerable time and research there, and even if you have, there must be redeeming factors for most places? 

"I happen to like fjords, I think they give a lovely baroque feel to a continent" - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

And what possible use is a context-free thumbs up or thumbs down of some random nobody like myself on an entire country to anyone? 

But anyway, that said, I did spend some time rating Tory politicians without knowing much about them. Ha! I daresay some of them have redeeming qualities too. Maybe. 

Finished: The Couple at No.9 - Claire Douglas

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