Monday, October 28, 2019


Hootch? Outrageous!

Head of a hydra

The way Trump has spoken about the military action and death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is so disturbing. It revels in the idea of pain and fear. It's like he gets off on it.

In an unusual Sunday morning statement, Mr Trump described the night-time operation in extraordinary detail, saying Baghdadi ran into a dead-end tunnel, "whimpering and crying and screaming", while being chased by military dogs. - taken from the Beeb

I find it frightening that we're accepting the US president verbally wanking over this.

Honestly it makes me want to vomit.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Reminder to self: you defriended X due to them putting up x-rated material on Facebook. Inappropriate and not what you want to see with your breakfast chai!

Do not re-friend in a year's time when you've forgotten.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Today was quite a good day. I like being busy.

I wonder if driving to see daughter for my birthday is a good idea or not. Might be.

Hmm 🤔

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


I just feel kind of floppy, kind of limp, about the whole thing.

I'm sure there must be a word for this: saying you'll do something, and then not delivering, like the fact you said it is enough, and there's no need to follow through?

I bet there's a German word for it. A long one.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Of death

It was an Arkwright thing to say, but also, a Shaun of the Dead thing to say. Which is nice, because I really love that film.

I was thinking today about my childhood friend who died in a car-crash.

We hadn't been close for some time - she was living with an older guy at 16, and working - I was still very much a schoolgirl. She wanted to be a model and I was snooty about it, not that we discussed it. Our lives had diverged from when we'd been pony-mad together and spending our summers riding. And I did that thing I always do of pushing off from people like I'm embarrassed they know me at all. Anyway, we hadn't been in touch for a good while.

But her death was such a shock. You always think you have time. I felt and feel a bit of a fraud because we weren't close anymore. But the death of someone so young and vibrant, with everything ahead of her. There's still a chasm in the world where she should be.

I don't honestly know how her parents kept living. How do you go on after that?

Monday, October 14, 2019

It's been a funny kind of day (is that something Arkwright would have said? It's a shame about Ronnie Barker, even after all these years).

I feel a bit worried about money, but hopefully this month once got through, it'll be OK. I have re-arranged things a bit. I probably do need to think about a stricter food budget. Lists and limits and such.

Daughter is far away and not very communicative.

Work is a bit of a drag. I did 16645 steps today, which is quite impressive.

Many things. Left undone.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Tonight I'm sharing my room with an angery cat, Chuckles the spider and a copy of Atwood's Testaments that is making me feel guilty.

Fortunately Chuckles has made himself scarce. He lives under the skirting board and mostly hides while I'm about, which is the way we can co-exist most reasonably. He does make me feel a little awkward about going that side of the room, but I am not moved to destroy him if he sticks to that area. It's when they're above and likely to descend on you that they cause me most horror.

(It occurs to me that Chuckles is not far off from Chuckie as a horror name, I did not think of that before.)

The cat is angery because I had to interfere with important sleeping she was doing, by putting on the duvet cover. She decided to to help with my efforts, which was amusing, trying to catch the end of the duvet and disappearing into it.

This morning, like a magician, I was able to decloak the duvet and remove the sheet without disturbing her much, sliding it out from under like a table cloth, ta dah! But putting one back on is another matter.

Anyway she is no longer angered and is resting a tooth on my forearm singing as we lie here, so all is forgiven.

The book, on the other hand, lies on the bed in a much less forgiving manner. I must read it soon.

I regret telling my online friend I have a copy as she only went and read hers in one sitting, and has asked me what I think. I think nothing! I am struggling to read at the moment. Sleeping, on the other hand, yes. Oh yes.