Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Oh say it ain't so.

It's a bigger river than many.

And other ramblings.

Funny how it gives me pleasure when someone on a thread quotes me or agrees with me. The rat pressing the bar to get a few rat-nuggets (or whatever treats a laboratory rat gets). Altogether a bit of a nonsense but it is the reward, I guess. Must be a reason I frequent those websites. Tiny tastes of validation.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Something, something

Something practical: tomorrow I must try to walk more normally. I keep limping to protect the sprained ankle, but it's not really a good plan. It'll extend the healing time and knacker other bits of me. Must try.

Something to think about: the Backfire effect (from the Oatmeal), which seems a propos during an election campaign.