Monday, June 27, 2022

Sympathy for the donut

 One of those click-bait google notifications came up saying

"Piers Morgan's heart-rending divorce from ..."


After his crowing about his embarrassing (for him) interview with Mick Lynch?

Well, it would have been amusing if it had been. Disappointingly he's getting divorced or something. Probably not disappointing for her. 

Tony Benn's questions

 Tony Benn's questions for the powerful

  • what power do you have?
  • where did you get it?
  • in whose interests do you exercise it?
  • to whom are you accountable? 
  • how can we get rid of you?

Saturday, June 25, 2022


 "Wines protected by the devil" 

I find that a puzzling advertising hook.  It pops up in ad-breaks on the Sony Movies channel. 

I'm just like, eh? Protected from what? Isn't the devil supposed to be bad and deceptive and not known for protecting stuff? Is he protecting it from people who want to drink it? Won't he be pissed if you drink something he's protecting? Or does he want you to drink it and then he'll protect you (from what, considering he's supposed be not so much of a nice guy) while it's sloshing around inside you? What about when you pee? 

So many questions that I don't really care about. 

Finished: The Dark Hours - Michael Connelly & The Whole Truth - Cara Hunter 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Are we to plead?

 "What else are we to do? Are we to plead, are we to beg? We want to bargain for our futures, we want to negotiate, and if we're not bargaining we have to beg, and I don't want any working class people in this country to have to beg their employers for a decent living." - Mick Lynch

He's just such a refreshing change from the drivelling gutless politicians and he's allowed many journalists make absolute fools of themselves interviewing him. It is very pleasing.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Sunday, June 05, 2022

That word, you know the one


That was the word I was struggling to find to use in my last post. I'm glad to have finally had it rise to the front of the brain, as it was really bugging me. 

It's difficult to google for "that word, you know, the one that starts with un or is it in?" and the thesaurus wasn't helpful.

Maybe it's perimenopause. 

I am very pleased to have located my lost word, however. Did not expect it to take 3 days. 

Thursday, June 02, 2022


 There's been a lot, a LOT, in the news and social media about Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard. 

I don't know the truth of it. I made sure not to follow it properly. 

I do know both men and women can be domestic abusers. I do know that there are no perfect victims who always act within social expectations of how a victim should react. I do know that a person who is the victim can sometimes also return the abuse. 

I think it's madness that the whole thing was televised and the jury were not sequestered. 

And essentially both of them lost, in my opinion, and so did onlookers and cheerleaders and side-takers - the whole spectacle of it was horrifying and depressing.

I used to like Depp as an actor, but whether he abused her or not, the quotes I've seen from messages he sent were vile and misogynistic, and my opinion of him is through the floor. Can't say it's done a lot for my opinion of Paul Bettany either - I mean, grim. 

Moaner moans about moaning


I find this mildly amusing.