Monday, May 16, 2022

The egg-man

 I don't understand the whole, "hey, let's raise a statue to this person" thinking. What is that all about? 

I don't think there can be many people whose legacy is entirely unquestionable and worthy. Everyone has faults and flaws, makes mistakes or worse, and their actions may not stand up to the scrutiny of later years. I mean, FFS, there was one of Saville at one point, wasn't there? 

Putting someone on a pedestal, literal or figurative, is a bad idea, in their lifetime, and after it. In my opinion. 

I'm not against statues generally, just think they should represent ideas, not specific people. 

And bloody hell, this is a statue of Thatcher they've put up. 

FB Meme

Bring on the egg-man. 

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