Saturday, March 12, 2022

Shower of shite

 Today was quite amusing. I asked the ex, who was here to pick up T for the weekend, to help me move the guinea pig house from the back garden to the front garden, which he kindly agreed to do.

It's one like the above, with a fixed run attached. So it's a bit awkward to move around, and pretty wide.

We quickly discovered that it was too wide to go up the path easily, and we ended up having to go high to go over the fence posts. Ex had a brainwave and went under the hutch, thinking he could support it from below. What he didn't realise, and I didn't remember, was that the floor of the hutch isn't fixed, so it went up as he pushed up - and a shower of guinea pig poop rained down, all over him!

I laughed.

He's not so bad really. He took it really well, and we continued shifting it into the front garden after a struggle over the hedge, as the entrance was too tight for it.

Oh dear, I laughed. 

They do say no good deed goes unpunished, but you don't expect it to be quite so literal. 

NB. For the keen guinea pig herders out there, fear not, that's not all the run mine have. I took off a side and extend their grazing with a wire enclosure. They have plenty of room to popcorn and chomp.

Finished: Darkside - Belinda Bauer

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