Tuesday, April 05, 2022

The Grimness of the Grammys

 So, the Grammys - what a shambles. What a disgusting shameful slap in the face. 

I'm hugely revolted by the "rehabilitation" of rich, statused, usually white men. 

A couple of days ago, we had fucking "Prince" Andrew in full media glare, walking Mumsy to her seat like he hasn't just publicly paid off the victim of a convicted sex-offender & convicted sex-trafficker after her allegations against him. 

One of the most disgusting things I've seen was convicted rapist, Mike Tyson, playing a victim in a role in Law & Order: SVU. I knew Dick Wolf's series was exploitative and prurient, but this was just like coming right out and saying to the victims of sexual crimes - "Fuck you, I'll make money off stories like yours, plus here's an actual rapist to show you just how little his conviction has done to harm him long-term and how little value his victim had."

And then, we have Louis CK winning a Grammy, like he hasn't admitted to exploiting his position and sexually harassing women. 

Someone in the comments somewhere said something like, "But, but how long should his punishment bee-eee-ee?" Well, actually I'm pretty comfortable with Louis CK never getting on tv again, never being awarded kiss-ass gongs again. I think if you're in the public eye, with the opportunities that brings for amassing wealth and status, you should be held to a standard of behaviour and if you fuck it up, you simply don't get another go. You go sit and write scripts for other people or something. I mean this is a man who wrote this: 

“The courage it takes for a woman to say yes [to a date with a man] is beyond anything I can imagine. A woman saying yes to a date with a man is literally insane, and ill-advised. How do women still go out with guys, when you consider the fact that there is no greater threat to women than men? We’re the number one threat! To women! Globally and historically, we’re the number one cause of injury and mayhem to women. We’re the worst thing that ever happens to them!”

“If you’re a guy, imagine you could only date a half-bear-half-lion. ‘Oh, I hope this one’s nice! I hope he doesn’t do what he’s going to do.’”

It's not like he wasn't aware.

I'm comfortable with "cancelling" sexual predators and violent offenders from the public eye, because of  their acts, for good. I'm comfortable with the idea of professional footballers or other sportspeople who rape or harass or commit violence, never getting to play professionally again. I'd have been comfortable with Polanski getting fucking jailed like he should have been and never having opportunity to make another film: that would have been good. I'm comfortable with the prospect of never seeing Kevin Spacey's face again.   

As for Andrew, for fucks sake. 

Viva la république

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