Saturday, July 09, 2022

Yes, I'm the arsehole

 I went to B&Ms this morning to buy some screening to go in the back-garden, because the neighbours have had a relative staying in a tent in their garden for about a month and it feels like there's no privacy. It's the cheapest solution I can think of, although I'm not expecting it to survive long due to living in quite a windy place. If it gives me the summer to be able to wander out and not feel like I'm in a fishbowl, that'll do me. 

Anyway, I was a bit internally surly and getting these 4 bags of screening that were quite heavy and awkward to the till bit by bit. And this family came to the queue while I was getting the things there, and I thought they were going to sorta jump the line (which only really consisted of me getting my pile together). I wasn't expecting anyone to wait for me so wouldn't have minded if they had. But they didn't. And then after I lugged one of the things to the car and came back to get the others, I met the father and his son bringing me the other three, and I almost cried. 

So lovely of them. I might nearly cry again remembering it!  

And I felt bad, because I'd noticed them going round and had been horrified by their choice of a great roll of astroturf, (which is shit for the environment and just generally awful stuff). But I guess they're probably doing the best they can to make an outside space nice for their kids, and I shouldn't be so rotten.

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