Saturday, July 08, 2006

Playing favourites

I worry about favouring one of my children over the other.

T is easy, as a toddler, he is easily pleased and his needs are pretty quickly ascertained. He still has the cuteness, quick smile and laugh of a baby. His temper tantrums are short-lived and distracting him is simple.

S is harder, as she is older and more complicated. She's lovely and smart. But we expect more of her, and I think it's harder for her to gain approval.

He just has to join in with "Twinkle twinkle little star" and he gets a round of applause.

There's such a big age gap, it's hard to treat them equally, because their understanding levels and needs are so different. Also, if I try to do an activity with her, if he can't join in, he cries, (which is only natural, as who wants to be excluded?)

I worry because it is so easy for him to get positive attention from everyone, and she has to work harder for it. :( I don't really know how to address this. Maybe as he grows older and loses his baby privileges, it'll even out. Maybe I should spend more time alone with her.

She loves him and enjoys playing with him a lot, and she's his idol.

I think I'll just have to be aware of the pitfalls and try to avoid them.

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